Wine Cork Shadow Box


In an earlier post I talked about building a large wine rack in our dining room. A fun little consequence of drinking all that wine are the corks we end up with. In the five years we have been married, my husband and I have accumulated quite a few and I wanted to have a place to put them in my dining room. I have seen several different wine cork shadow boxes available for purchase. Everything I found was way too small. I’m thinking long term here. So why not make my own, right? I found the perfect sized shadow box at Michaels. First I drilled (hacked) a hole in the top to drop corks into. It looks pretty rough, but no one should see it unless they are really tall. The shadow box frame was white, so I had to go through the extra step of taping it off and spray painting it black.


Next I designed a frosted vinyl decal in Adobe Illustrator.

Screen Shot 2015-07-09 at 10.46.26 PM

I had my friend Rich at Streamline Design make the vinyl. The vinyl was great but user error; I totally effed up installing it. Gahh! The project stalled for a bit until I did some freelance work for my old job and in return they re-made AND installed the vinyl on the glass for me. Yay! Cheers!


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