We are currently in the process of trying to potty train my stubborn little 3 year old guy. He thinks he has better things to do than sit on a potty. SO I came up with a simple idea to make it more worth his while. Give him a table for books, puzzles, and his favorite thing in the whole world: the alphabet (he is obsessed with the ABC’s and numbers).
The cool thing about this table is it cost me $0. I had scrap pieces of wood laying around, left over paint, stain, screws, etc. You can make it any size you want. I measured to the potty. You can make a larger table for pretend tea time, crafts, etc.
The table top is 20″ x 11″ x 3/4″
The legs I ripped 2×4’s down the middle and made them 11-3/4″ long
The braces are 7″ long
I sanded everything down, screwed it together and it was ready to paint/stain!
I made letters in Adobe Illustrator and laser printed them on regular white paper (laser printing is key to modge podging. You can’t use an ink jet or it will smear.) I carefully cut them out, used 3m Spray Mounted to glue them down in place, then modge podged over the whole top with 5 coats. It was a really easy project. The only thing that took a lot of time was the waiting in between for things to dry.
The table was a hit! Wish us luck on the potty training 🙂