Pipe Shelves

This year I decided to try my hand at vegetable/fruit/herb gardening. Last year I made this wall planter and I managed to keep (most of) it alive until the end of fall. That gave me enough confidence to try to start a few things from seed. So, enter this small kitchen counter pipe shelving unit project!…


Printer’s Tray Accent Wall

‘Tis that time of year. The weather starts to warm up and my mind starts going a mile a minute. I need to paint the garage, build a raised vegetable garden bed (I know nothing about gardening, this should be an interesting summer), repurpose a grandfather clock into bathroom storage, make acrylic mirrors for the playroom, build…

Vintage Quilt Throw

My mom was an amazing quilter and I have several she made that I cherish and display. I love quilts and can appreciate the tiny details and huge amounts of time that go into them. When I found several unfinished handmade vintage quilt tops at an estate sale for only a few dollars, I snatched…

Fabric Gate

My son has in-home ABA therapy 5 days a week for 2 hours. His therapist asked for gates to prevent him from running during sessions. In my dream world, I would hire a contractor and have them install a pocket gate/door. But in real life I had to come up with something cheap, something easy to…

Sensory Smell Jars

Today I made a quick and easy set of sensory smell jars for my two boys (ages 1 and 3). I am always trying to find fun sensory things for them to do, especially for my 3 year old who has autism. He is hyposensitive (opposite of hypersensitive) which means he requires more stimulation to…

Garage Design

I really hate sports, but I really love my husband. So for our garage, I put my own personal tastes aside and made this for him. He is originally from Ohio, but now lives in Michigan. Fingers crossed we don’t forget to close the garage door and get egged. He wanted to make the laundry room a…

Dog Bed

We adopted a dog from the Humane Society a month ago. Her name is Zoey! She is a beagle / german shepherd mix. I am obsessed with her. Before we even got a dog my husband made the rule “no dogs on the bed.” So I knew I had to make her the coolest bed…