Star Wars Sensory Board

This was such a fun project!!! My son is 6 years old and has autism. He is a major sensory seeker. He loves swinging, jumping, spinning, sand, playdoh, water, etc. I started this project just planning on making a generic sensory board, but somewhere along the way it clicked that his bedroom has a Star…

Fabric Gate

My son has in-home ABA therapy 5 days a week for 2 hours. His therapist asked for gates to prevent him from running during sessions. In my dream world, I would hire a contractor and have them install a pocket gate/door. But in real life I had to come up with something cheap, something easy to…

Ruler Growth Chart

My kids are little now (1 and 3 years old) but they are growing so fast. I wanted to document it on an adorable ruler growth chart. There are a lot of ruler growth chart DIY tutorials on Pinterest, which is where I first got the idea. Some use sharpie marker for the number and…

Children’s ABC Table

We are currently in the process of trying to potty train my stubborn little 3 year old guy. He thinks he has better things to do than sit on a potty. SO I came up with a simple idea to make it more worth his while. Give him a table for books, puzzles, and his…

Floating Nursery Clouds

My oldest son has a pretty awesome Star Wars themed room, so I wanted to make something equally great for my youngest. I first found an airplane crib bedding set that I liked which was the base for my inspiration. I had my friend Rich at Streamline Design make and install the airplane/banner vinyl decal that I designed.…